Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Twilight Gala

Last Friday Bree's school held its annual Twilight Gala. It seems that it is common for schools here to hold these galas as a type of fundraiser. A typical gala has food booths, fun games, small "rides" for the children and large bake sale tables.

The week before the gala the organizing committee was meeting parents as they dropped the kids off to school and asking them to "do their part" in helping out. I had never been to a gala before so I was hesitant to volunteer for running a booth but I did offer to bake. This seemed like a simple task until I realized that although we are quite equipped for basic meal cooking at our rental flat we don't have much in the way of baking equipment. I ended up at the grocery store buying a cake pan and also all the baking supplies.

Bree and I set out to make 3 cakes and 1 tray of brownies. We had all the supplies but only one cake pan so we could only bake one cake at a time. We also only had a hand egg beater for a mixer which I didn't think would be a problem but wow, 3 minutes running an egg beater is hard on your arms! We baked two cakes on Wednesday night and finished the rest on Thursday. Bree helped me ice the cakes and we decorated them with sprinkles and roses.

The weather for the gala was not great but it didn't rain. There were fun games, face painting, a bouncy castle and of course all the food booths. You could buy hot dogs, meat sandwiches, curries and any type of baked good imaginable. There was also an ice cream booth which was a favourite for the children. There were no carnival rides but one innovative parent had set up a magic carpet ride on the school grounds. This was a carpet pulled behind a large quad and the children tried to stand up on it as it went around the field. In typical Kiwi fashion there were no helmets and protective gear but all the children had fun and came out unscathed.

A fun time was had by all and hopefully the school was able to raise some money. Bree really enjoyed the gala and I have to admit that it was better than having to do door to door sales to raise money.

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