Friday, July 8, 2011

Back Home

We have made it safely back home to Canada and are now in the processing of unpacking and getting back up to speed here. After we left the South Island we travelled through Palmerston and up to Auckland where we sold the car before flying back home. We had been worried about selling the car but after we posted it on Trade-me we had text messages and emails coming in like crazy. Obviously we posted it for a good price and so we sold it to the first person who looked at it.
Now that we are home it almost seems like we never left but we will have the memories from New Zealand forever. I know the experience has been a fantastic one for me and allowed me to not only learn a lot about another country but also about myself. I think it has also been a very positive experience for Bree. We will really miss all the new friends we made in New Zealand but with Facebook, email and all the other electronic tools out there it is much easier to stay connected.
Thanks for following the blog of our adventure. I hope it kept you up to date on our whereabouts and for me it has been an excellent way to journal our travels and experiences in New Zealand.

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